The general purpose and objectives of this Association shall be to promote the cooperation, education and exchange of information among all Law Enforcement Agencies involved in the enforcement of controlled substance laws.
KNOA membership is valid until March 15 of the next year (from conference to conference). APPLY ONLINE HERE.
Through your membership in the KNOA you have the opportunity to network with other law enforcement officers involved in the enforcement and education of illegal drugs in the State of Kansas. The Association serves as an avenue for the exchange of ideas and new techniques used by criminals and investigators. KNOA helps keeps its membership informed of new statutes, statute changes, and judicial decisions and recommends, if necessary, correct legislation that the association considers to be in the best interest of the public in the area of narcotic and drug abuse. The association also provides narcotic investigative training to members and peace officers of the State of Kansas. As part of your membership with KNOA, you will automatically be covered under KNOA's Accidental Death or Dismemberment & Line of Duty Death Insurance.
Application for active membership in the association must be completed in its entirety and must be accompanied by payment of all applicable fees and a minimum of one year's dues. Application, dues and fees for membership shall be submitted to the Treasurer, who shall forward the application to the President or his designate if applicable.
Memberships are active until March 15 of the next year. At that time, they can be renewed with a conference registration or individually.